Category : Politics

Arizona’s Stephanie Grisham appointed as new White House Press Secretary

Arizona based Stephanie Grisham will replace Sarah Huckabee Sanders for the post of White House press secretary. She was earlier…

Barbara Barrett of Arizona Nominated by US President for Air Force Secretary Post

On Tuesday, the US president Donald Trump made an announcement through Twitter that he seeks to pick Barbara Barrett for…

Leader of Arizona GOP Makes Republicans Sweat

As far as politics go, loose cannon politicians may have found a niche for themselves in the modern world, but…

Phoenix Council Candidates to go for Run-off Elections on May 21

Phoenix City has released the final unverified election results on last Friday. The result would receive the official status once…

Pima County Sheriff Plans to Get the Border Funding Back

The Pima County Sheriff's Department is now looking for ways to get the $1 million funding for border protection as…

Senate Votes to Cancel Trump’s Emergency, McSally and Sinema Split in Senate

It has been quite a long time in the United States that the uncertainties over funding to the border wall,…

Arizona House Limits $32 Vehicle Registration Fee to $18

The Arizona House finally removed the much-debated Arizona Vehicle registration fees. It was made the bone of contention in the…

Legalization of Marijuana Receives Support in Arizona

The use of Marijuana has been increasing, and it is now available predominantly. But, the legal status of Marijuana concerning…

Arizona State Legislature Votes for Giving More Time to File Income Tax Returns

Arizona taxpayers are facing uncertainties and misinformation regarding tax payment like never before. The situation in the State has arisen…

Five Finalists Named for Open Arizona Supreme Court Spot

After several weeks of scrutiny and nearly seven hours of interviews Friday, four judges and a private attorney have made…