Editorial Policy


It is a fundamental constitutional right to have the freedom of opinion and expression. This includes the right to hold, receive and impart opinions. The press shall, to this end, have the right to report and publish freely and the right to be accorded the fullest possible facilities for access to public information. Freedom of the press shall mean and include that freedom from restraint which is essential to enable proprietors, editors and journalists of Tribune publications to advance the public interest by publishing facts and opinions without which any democratic society cannot develop, progress or make responsible judgment.

The basic principle to be upheld is that the freedom of the press is indivisible from and subject to the same rights and duties as that of the individual and rests on the public’s fundamental right to be informed and to freely receive and disseminate opinions.

The Arizona Tribune was established to promote and safeguard a democratic culture through objective reporting, free expression of opinion and critical debate and assist in nation building by offering innovative services that meet the needs of all stakeholders in Arizona and beyond by using advanced technology and expertise of dedicated, result-oriented staff

Tribune Shareholders, Directors and employees

All Tribune shareholders, directors, employees and their spouses and children shall not be investigated except:-

Where they assume public office or
Where they are entrusted with public funds
Other media organisations

Tribune shall not carry refutations of stories that appeared in a rival publication except:-

Where Tribune establishes that the story was false. or
Where the paper that carried the story in question is unwilling to make a correction.

Investigative journalism is an integral part of journalism and the only means of ensuring a corrupt-free society and shall be practised without fear or favour.


Editors are responsible for the use of material submitted by journalists employed by The Arizona Tribune. They should also satisfy themselves as far as possible that material contributed by non-staff members was obtained.