The Arizona Tribune

73000 Stops by Arizona Traffic Enforcement in 2018 Holiday Period

No one wants to be stopped by traffic police officials when traveling in a vehicle. There are multiple avenues in which you can be cited if stopped. That’s the fear the public has after seeing the flashing lights behind their cars.

As per the reports, the Arizona Traffic enforcement in 2018 holiday period has stopped 6000 more drivers than 2017. The number states the state-wide stops.

The statistics by the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety shows the data as 53000 drivers’ stop in 2016’s holiday season; 67000 stops in 2017’s holiday season and a whopping 73000 stops between the Thanks Giving to New Year’s Eve in 2018.

Alberto Gutier, agency’s director, said that the stops were not always bad for the drivers; there were cases of pulling over for informing the drivers to know about their car’s issues like flat tires and any other lags.

The Reason-

The reason as per the officials is the increased presence on the road. This time many organizations were on the road for law enforcement. And their special attention was toward DUI.

There were 50 percent more officers on the road than the previous years. In 2016, a total of 11,689 officers were involved in law enforcement; in 2017 the figure was 14,632, and in 2018 a total of 17,133 officers were working for traffic enforcement.

Owing to a large number of officers deployed, the contacts have finally increased leading to an increased number of stops.

As per the officers, the cases of DUI have also increased. And there were many cases of drivers driving under influence of not only alcohol but also drugs of different kinds.

As far as the statistics of DUI cases go, in 2016 the numbers of DUI stood at 2234; in 2017 it was 2434 and the last year the figure stood at 2727. And all these figures are the cases between the Thanksgiving Day and New Year’s Day.

The analysis of the data shows the drastic change in figures in crime. Enforcement should be stricter to check reckless driving so that lives of the innocents can be saved.

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