The Arizona Tribune

Arizona Housing Department Takes Measures to Avoid Eviction of Low-Income Families

Having a family with appropriate accommodation is definitely one of the most important needs of a person and also has an emotional tone for everyone. But, eviction from a house makes life miserable, especially when it comes to a family with lower income. It often drags them to homelessness and acute poverty.

In Pima County, last year 13,000 eviction cases were lodged. But, to their comfort, a new fund has been introduced to help the concerned families to stop the eviction.

Arizona Department of Housing has started a new programme to help low-income families sustain themselves and help them prevent eviction. Pima County will receive $575000 in that programme which will prevent them from eviction and from long-lasting legal cases.

The Pima County Board of Supervisors has accepted the aid on the voting of 5-0. And, it has also raised $2million from the State Housing Trust Fund.

The grant will target those renters who have a one month gap in rent payment. This will allow families for whom 1 month’s assistance can is enough to prevent eviction.

Recipients of the fund have to show that they will be stable financially at least for 90 days if they are paid one month of rent. Those who can’t, will be referred to any other plan for further assistance.

Though the amount is very less looking at the size of assistance needed, it is definitely a noble start. It will help 407 families in need. The assistance per family is capped at $1000.

As per a report, judges in the Pima County have ordered for 25 evictions a day in the last fiscal year. The situation in the County is getting worse. With the rise in rents and absolute poverty, the vacancy rate in Pima County is rising.

Tucson has a relatively low cost of living, and the house rents are not that high. Yet, people are facing difficulties to pay rent in time owing to the poverty. And an eviction in the record will never be going to fetch a landlord for anyone. This has almost become a vicious cycle, which traps the poor into more poverty.

This housing scheme will be more concentrated in certain areas like Justice Precincts 6, 8, and 9. And the rest areas will be getting aid in smaller amounts.

Though the scheme has been launched on a pilot basis, we should wait for its fruitfulness. But, the bigger picture here is not the rent, but poverty and cost of living. With the right amount of skilling and employment opportunity, this can also be averted if not fully, at least partially.

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