The Arizona Tribune

Amazon Expands Its New Grocery Service to Phoenix and Two Other US Cities


When the State temperature is around 110 degrees, carrying heavy grocery items from stores and putting them in the car is very painful, but thanks to the E-commerce giant Amazon for expanding its new grocery service in Phoenix. With this service, customers can order their grocery products to their home within 2 hours.

Amazon Inc. on Thursday, 22nd July revealed to its customers that it would launch a new grocery service ‘AmazonFresh’ across three new markets Phoenix, Houston, and Minneapolis.

Further, the e-commerce company said, Amazon Prime customers residing in Phoenix and two more cities can now get all fresh grocery products delivered to their home, such as meat, dairy product by two hours and for free.

According to the company, Amazon customers can select items from ‘tens of thousands’ and order then through AmazonFresh grocery service. Through this, customers have the option to order items like meat, fresh produce, seafood and other essential items that are not delivered through another Amazon service, for instance, Prime Pantry.

Apart from this, Amazon delivers numerous other products through AmazonFresh services such as gadgets, toys, home products, and hygiene. Houston users can also order beer and wine through AmazonFresh. Customers can access the service through mobile app, website or by using Alexa device and add the respective products to their cart for delivery purpose.

The AmazonFresh is not a new service; it is already available in some specific US areas.

 Vice President of AmazonFresh and Prime, Stephenie Landry mentioned in the press release,

We’re thrilled to introduce AmazonFresh to Prime members in Houston, Minneapolis, and Phoenix. Prime members tell us they want their stuff even faster.

According to the press release, products like wine and beer are not available for delivery across Phoenix city.

Amazon Prime members of Phoenix in order to avail this grocery service needs to include AmazonFresh membership to their Amazon account at $14.99 per month. Phoenix customers can also pay $7.99 more to get products delivered within one-hour.

The AmazonFresh service is offered to 15 other cities of US: Baltimore, Atlanta, Boston, Dallas, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, New York, Miami, San Diego, Philadelphia, Seattle, San Francisco, and Washington DC.

Prime Now another grocery service of Amazon is available across 100 US cities and offers daily delivery services to customers. Phoenix customers can also take advantage of this service.

AmazonFresh also functions with Alexa devices. Phoenix customers can use their smart home device, Alexa, to order products. For instance, if the customer says, ‘Alexa, order milk from Fresh,’ Alexa device will add the item to the cart.

Key Differences between AmazonFresh and Prime Now

Both the grocery services are offered by Amazon with slight differences. You can consider when to use the services on the following points,

  • Items delivered through Prime Now service comes in paper bags along with insulation, while AmazonFresh delivers the products in insulated tote bags that keep your fruits and vegetables cold. One thing to note is, these green tote bags are reusable, and Amazon collects it on your next Fresh delivery order.
  • Prime Now provides grocery items from Whole Foods and also from local retail stores, while AmazonFresh offers grocery products from its warehouse.
  • Prime Now service delivers products on the same day and within two hours only in specific markets, while AmazonFresh offers an option to its customers to select ‘two-hour delivery window’ or pay extra to get the essential products delivered within 1 hour.
  • Prime Now is free service. AmazonFresh costs around $14.99 per month.

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